WordPress Boosters Web Designers Must Try In 2017

WordPress Boosters Web Designers

The responsiveness or the loading speed of a website can make or break the impression of your business in front of your audiences. It has a great impact on the rate of generating revenue of your online business. Conversion rate and the site speed go hand in hand. So, if you want to stay a step ahead of your competitors, make sure your website is fast and responsive.

There are various reasons as to why the website speed play a vital role. Speed affects the two most important aspects i.e. search rankings and user experience. You make sure while making your website responsive, you don’t compromise on the quality and graphics. This is where WordPress plugin development comes into play. Remember, SEO ranking and user experience are the two elements that can keep your website a step ahead of the game.

  • W3 Total Cache:

    The W3 Total Cache plugin is one of the most recommended plugins for website optimization. It can boost the speed of your site up to 10 times, the plugin does make the website highly responsive. The W3 Total Cache plugin saves the images and Javascript files of your on a server. So, whenever a user comes to your website, the site doesn’t have to load the images and then show it to the audience. Rather, the cache presents the static version of the site.

  • WP Smush.it:

    This is the most feasible option to make your website speed up as it compresses the templates. The plugin reduces the size of the graphic files so that they don’t take much time in loading. It makes the site load quickly. Apart from making the images lightweight, the plugin separates the JPEG from the meta data and clear away the unused colors from the images.

  • WP Super Minify:

    The WP Super Minify WordPress plugin efficiently combines the HTML, JS and CSS files. These compressed files are then delivered to the website visitors which enhances the speed of the site. If you do not want the plugin to compress certain files, you can disable the JavaScript and CSS file compression option.

  • Cache Enabler:

    Cache Enabler is a great caching plugin for WordPress powered websites.


If you want your website to load faster, make sure you have one of these plugins installed in your site. For more information regarding WP plugins, you can contact our professionals at RankHigher.